Upcoming Events

What is working in your life and health that you would like to make better?

What would you like to change or improve in your life?

What would you like to add to your life?

What if creating wellness in your body and health, relationships, finances, and/or career can be different than you have ever imagined?

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We invite you to The Crazy Lazy Wealthy Lady membership. The monthly exploration of pragmatic tools and activities you can apply to work for you, your way and for anything you would like to create in your life

What is your unique way of creating?
What comes to you so easily?
What do you know about the creation of wealth?

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What are you doing today to achieve what you desire with your business?

We invite you to “I have a business, now what?”, a monthly membership exploring pragmatic tools with weekly activities and a monthly Zoom call for engaging with the business. Some topics include creating systems, expanding interaction and movement of ideas to actualization, hiring and engaging staff and resources, and so much more

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Talk To The Entities

Starting Jan 18th

Many of the undesirable side effects people can have from the spirit world are simply due to not using the tools that facilitate all energies and entities.

TTTE Business Hours are the time and space you choose to get to work clearing, communicating, receiving and cooperating with the spirit world.

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January 30th

The Walk In’s series challenges our concept of self and assist to have clarity of who we really are and can contribute to dealing with others.

What if by clearing walk ins you could choose confidently and easily?

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January 31st

The earth spirits still live among us in the trees, water, sky and land, yet they are disappearing rapidly as the earth loses its natural landscape. 

How much fun can we have if we would perceive, receive and play with the Spirits of the Earth?

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March 7th

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

Is now the time to explore your capacities?

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Starting Mar 7th

The Talk to the Entities Beginning opens the doors of awareness, conversation, contribution and ways to engage and work with the spirit world.

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift? What if there is a whole world that desires to contribute but it may look so different than we imagined?

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Live AT Al Khobar

February 10th

What if there was a way to reduce the noise in your head without having to sit in a cave or meditate for hours?

What if you could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about? There is!

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February 11th

In this class, you will experience how your whole life is actually an energetic movement. Nothing is solid, including your problems.

You’ll start to recognize, “Wow, I can move anything!”. Are you ready for that?

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February 11th

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

Is now the time to explore your capacities?

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Starting Feb 12th

What if what seems solid and unchangeable is actually changeable?

What if all it takes is a 3.5 day adventure of pragmatic tools for relationships, finances, business, body and so much more while receiving and gifting multiple Access Body Processes?

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February 15th

Have you ever made yourself wrong and tried to fit into the world around you? Did that work?

Join us for this deeper dive into exploration of what X-Men are in the world - in all areas; relationships, school, and work life to mention a few. 

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Business & Money

January 23rd

This Program is an exploration of the business of today and the future. The pragmatic tools provided, empower people to explore and assist in communicating, creating, and generating with the business, staff, products, services, and clients. What is the business of your life asking for?

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Starting Feb 24th

Would you like to become money?

To grow and exponential your wealth?

Discover pragmatic tools and empowering exercises to change your life.

Are you ready to become money?

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More Online Classes

January 23rd

Have you ever felt bullied? Have you ever seen other people being bullied?

How did that make you feel? How does that still make you feel?

What if you could put a brake to it? For yourself and others?

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January 25th

Do you enjoy traveling? How often do you do it?

Would you like to do it more often? And with more ease and fun?

Let the adventure begin!

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February 1st

What are you hoping will come to fruition? Choice Creates.
Every choice you make, creates something.
What are you choosing?
What are you using the choice to HOPE for someone or something to create it?
What desires to come to actualization with you?

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February 6th

What if many of the labels and so-called disabilities that exist in this reality, such as OCD, Autism, ADD, ADHD, are not disabilities at all?

Is now the time to embrace these capacities and more?

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February 15th

Have you ever made yourself wrong and tried to fit into the world around you? Did that work?

Join us for this deeper dive into exploration of what X-Men are in the world - in all areas; relationships, school, and work life to mention a few. 

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Starting Feb 24th

Would you like to become money? To grow and exponential your wealth?

Discover pragmatic tools and empowering exercises to change your life.

Are you ready to become money?

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February 25th

What would it be like to stop judging different parts of the body and open the doors of gratitude and contribution instead?

What contribution can your body and your vagina be to the life you desire to create?

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Grow: Business Hacks

a 30 Day Journey with Laleh Hancock

What are the futures you have already generated and created with your choices today?


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Bridge to Possibilities
31 days of Maestro contribution to El Lugar 
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30x 30 Out of Control
a Gift from Laleh
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The Lady and Return of the Gentleman Bookclub 

50% of Proceeds will go to El-Lugar.com

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More of Access Consciousness


A New Audio Streaming App for Everyone: the College for Expanded Awareness and Consciousness!

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Actions For Futures

We are collecting donations for the people of Sarapiqui, Costa Rica who have lost almost everything in the recent flood crisis.

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Dare 2b Different

Bridging the gap between normal and miraculous. 8 Days of Inspiration, Creation, and Possibilities!

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Conscious Vagina Intro
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 Conscious Vagina Intro 
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Conscious Vagina Intro


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Put the Fun Back in Business


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