An Irrational Guide to Parenting, Part 2 - with Conscious Parents Conscious Kids Facilitators

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

The whole area of parenting can be very challenging for parents and kids. It doesn’t have to be. But most people make it that way. The expectations of how you are supposed to be as a parent, the conclusions about what it means to be a good parent, what a good parent does, what a bad parent does, what a good parent doesn’t do… you get the idea. No wonder so many parents and kids are not having any fun!

If you are trying to be a good parent, if you are trying to get it right, would you be willing to give that up? What if you were willing to do it wrong? What if you stopped judging you and your kids?

As Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness says, “I can’t teach you the rules of parenting because there are none. I can teach you the possibilities of parenting.” (Next Generation Telecall)

If you are interested in the possibilities of parenting, if you would like have FUN as a parent, if you would like to empower your kids to be all they can be, you’ve come to the right place. Conscious Parents Conscious Kids (CPCK) is all about that. And we don’t just talk about it. We offer pragmatic tools that work in changing anything.

Click here to watch the full length video.

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