Joy of Business

What If You Could Have More Fun in Business?

Many people see business as a serious subject, difficult or hard, something that you have to have right, that once you make a decision you have to stick to it, and you cannot change your point of view.  In truth, business is the antithesis of this. Joy of Business is about the willingness to ask questions, change your point of view, choose what you have not chosen before, receive contribution and be the authority on what you know.

If anything could be possible in business, what would you choose? What would you need to change to make that choice a reality in your business? Would you be willing to know it can be this simple? Make a choice… change whatever is required… create the Joy of Business™!

Global Wellness For All offers the tools of Joy of Business to inspire and invite you to a creative adventure, called your life & living!

We have a crazy point of view that happier people have more fun, create more for their lives and have thriving successful and profitable businesses because of one little secret we know…

Money follows Joy. Not Joy follows Money.

Being joyful in business is not a prerequisite to our sessions, tools, or workshops.  Joy is something we can empower you to choose!

Click Here to order the CEO of Joy of Business,  Simone Milasas’, Joy of Business book from our bookstore.