Talk To The Entities Specialty Class
Business Hours - 7 Calls
Facilitated by Laleh Hancock
Would you be willing to invest in the development and in the willingness to develop, to mature, to ferment, to become rich in whatever way you can by choosing to step up and be present with entities and with everything that that presence and that choice brings?
Many of the undesirable side effects people can have from the spirit world are simply due to not using the tools that facilitate all energies and entities.
Talk to the Entities Business Hours are the time and space you choose to get to work clearing, communicating, receiving and cooperating with the spirit world.
Every choice you make to get to work will pay off in a million unexpected and expansive ways.
Don’t be shy, don’t be lazy. The spirit world is real and you are aware.
Pre-requisite for TTTE® Business Hours: Talk To The Entities Beginning in the last 24 months
Dates: January 18, 19, 20, 24, 27th and February 4 and 6th
Time: 12:00 – 12:30 Houston / 21:00 - 21:30 hs Saudi
Your time in the world HEREÂ